To teenagers with testosterones exploding through their ears, today is to late whereas to parents, hopefully Never!
Sex is a wonderful act between 2 people in love and its God's way of recreating life. Human is the only animal with enough creativity to commercialize sex. Since time immemorial, sex has been sold and traded not for procreation but recreation. It is instinctive and everyone (hopefully everyone) will one day experience it. If it is a natural act, why then are there so many objections from parents and why is so taboo?
Parents, as a whole is not so worried about their children having sex but rather the fear of them making the wrong choice and the inability to face the consequences that it brings. Just like the proverbial 'forbidden fruit of Eden', sex should be treated with utmost respect and care.
Many teenagers and in many cases, even adults have died by it. Some innocent lives were also lost from it. If misused, the consequences can be devastating and that is the biggest fear of the parents.
Admittedly, the urge can many times be overwhelming to teenagers going through puberty and with the easy availability of pornography on the Internet and on the street corners, their initial exposure is purely physical. It takes great willpower to resist it. So if we expect teenagers to be celibate, when should be the right age?
As a yardstick measurement, if you are doubtful, it is still not the right time yet. I always believe that sex has great consequences and a person should be mature mentally before indulging in it. Most parents fear unwanted pregnancy and diseases, particularly AIDS that could destroy their child's life due to just a few moments of pleasure and the worst part of it is that the male (in most cases) are not willing to take responsibility for nor are their stable enough to admit to the pregnancy. Here's a fact for young girls out there...
A guy will say whatever you want to hear just to have sex with you and unlike women, men can have sex with anybody without any emotional attachment. This means that they will say they love and care for you (what women likes to hear most) and you consenting to sex is the proof of your love for him. Bull! If he really loves you, he will never force you to have sex. For young women, losing your virginity to such louse is really not worth it. Also, remember that to a young stud, getting a girl's virginity is like a trophy and his bragging rights. So not only do you lose your virginity, you also lose your reputation amongst his peers.
Before you indulge in sex, be responsible and think of the consequences. What if you become pregnant or infected? What about your studies, your future? All the things that you wanted to do? More importantly, think about your parents because they will carry your burden as well and more. They will feel responsible and guilty, even though its no fault of theirs. And when the adverse happens, where do you think your guy will be or say? "Are you sure it's mine? And swooosh! they're off, never to be seen again. It's just not worth it.
Most people never think about the consequences and I assure I have gone through it and the experience can be traumatic. I had my first sexual experience when I was in secondary school and for the next few weeks thereafter, you worry just about everything like will she gets pregnant (like I say, you don't think about it before) and how will I face my parents if it happens. It keeps messing your mind and your school works become affected. You just cannot concentrate on anything until you hear her period has come!
When is it the right age? When you are emotionally matured enough to be able to accept the consequences. But as a precaution, in whatever situation when sex is inevitable, please protect yourself and keep your fingers crossed and hope her period come.
Monday, May 26, 2008
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hm..agree on it, yet compromising to underage sex is probably immature adrenaline injected.
Love & not love, need & desire sex is altogether a complicated issue.
hahahaha the last paragraph's a good one xD
i do believe that people are more worried about the emotional/mental damage rather than the physical ones. it's not pretty to live with the fact that you've aborted your own baby.
fear of damage. now thats a good deterrence.
I strongly oppose pre-marriage sex. And your point is really proved correct.
nice to the point of view of a man and a father
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